Convert Purchase Orders to Bills
  • You can now convert your Purchase Orders to Bills to let your team know that they're ready to be paid
  • When viewing a Purchase Order, clicking the new
    Submit as Bill
    (for unsubmitted POs) or
    Convert to Bill
    (for submitted POs) options will convert the Purchase Order to a Bill, changing its status to 'Billed'.
  • When integrated into an accounting package, the corresponding PO will also be updated to reflect the new 'Billed' status.
  • Note:
    the sending of new bills to your accounting package can be toggled ON/OFF via the
    Settings > Integrations
    page. By default, this option is toggled OFF.
Changing the customer on Sales Orders
  • You can now change the customer that a Quote or Sales Order is assigned to using the new
    Change customer
    option when viewing an order.
  • Changing the customer assigned to an order will remove all contact and delivery address details from the order, while maintaining all other information.
  • Updated the file name format of PDF attachments that are included on Quote, Proforma Invoice, Invoice and Purchase Order emails to 'friendlier' names.
  • Fixed a bug that was sometimes resulting in incorrect Promised values in inventory tracking
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing POs from being opened via the Linked Orders tab